Ramsey, Minnesota Speed Traps

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Bunker Lake Boulevard near Thurston Avenue

Ramsey, MinnesotaFeb 25, 20080 Comments

During darkness Ramsey PD will on Bunker Lake between Thurston Ave and St Francis Blvd, usually on a side street or business drive way.

Alpine Drive near Ramsey Boulevard

Ramsey, MinnesotaJan 09, 20080 Comments

Patrol sits on the short streach along wetland between curves on Alpine Driver between Ramsy Blvd and Alpine Park, or Sunfish Drive, where speed limit trap zone is 35 mph instead of the usual 50 mph on either side of that section of Alpine Driver.

NowThen Boulevard near Alpine Drive

Ramsey, MinnesotaJan 09, 20080 Comments

Positions on Alpine drive are assumed on either the east or west side of the intersection with NowThen Bld (Cty Rd 5) to ticket those who fail to stop, or stop completely, for the 4 way stop at the intersection.

County Trunk Ramsey Blvd Cty Rd 56 near County Trunk Bunker Lake Blvd Cty Rd 116

Ramsey, MinnesotaJan 17, 20060 Comments

Parked on shoulder at various location north of Bunker Lake Blvd to shoot traffic in either direction (North or South bound) for excessive speed. Often looking for south bound traffic cresting hill near Alpine Dr. or north bound traffic failing to slow down in trap region between Bunker Lake and Ramsey Market gas station store where limit drops from 55 mph to 50 mph.

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