Saint Peter, Minnesota Speed Traps

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Highway 169 south from St. Peter to Mankato

Saint Peter, MinnesotaJan 30, 20030 Comments

The State Troopers sit on the side of the highway about 3-4 miles out of town while a plane flys overhead and radios down which cars to pick up. several people i know have fallen victim to this trickery.

Highway 169, entering St. Peter(both sides)

Saint Peter, MinnesotaAug 01, 20000 Comments

Speed limit drops from 55 to 35 what seems to be instantly. Local police wait on the border of St. Peter to nail those who are going over 35 mph, often those who are in the process of slowing down to the 35 mph speed limit. Speed limit on either side of St. Peter is 55 mph, making it a prime location to get nailed for a ticket

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