Branson, Missouri Speed Traps

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Boxcar Willie Drive at the Branson Lakeside RV Park

Branson, MissouriAug 31, 20130 Comments

15 MPH area around the Branson Lakeside RV Park

Turning right off of 13 to 76

Branson, MissouriJun 09, 20121 Comments

When you first turn the speed limit is 50 mph. On up the hill it turns into 60 mph. The police will sit on the top of the hill and clock you as you coast down. That’s not right because it’s obvious when you’re in an SUV you are going to gain speed. How ridiculous!

east 76

Branson, MissouriFeb 19, 20110 Comments

they love to sit on the corner as your goin up mt. Branson, on lake shore drive. they park where u cant see them till your on them. 40mph

Epps Road between 248 (McD’s) and Roark Valley Road

Branson, MissouriJun 16, 20101 Comments

Seriously: The main speed trap in Branson, from a local of 24 years. First, there is a school zone at the top of the hill that is heavily patrolled, then there is a 20% grade (very steep) that you can be travelling 60 MPH if you don’t ride your brakes (speed limit is 45 past the school zone)– and a blind corner at the bottom.

Shepard of the Hills to Roark (just down from the IMAX)

Branson, MissouriApr 09, 20102 Comments

This hill is steep and cruise control does not work appropriately. Police officers are alway waiting for you there, even late at night after the late running movies at the IMAX or the Elite cinema in the IMAX complex.

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