Edgar Springs, Missouri Speed Traps

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Just south of Edgar Springs on 63. Fixed/Portable radar

Edgar Springs, MissouriFeb 22, 20113 Comments

As you come southbound on 63 and you are exiting Edgar Springs they have a fixed/portable radar unit that is hidden behind a rise. The speed limit changes basically within 1/10 mile of the limit.
The city has 190 people and generates most of its income via speed traps. Locals know it well.

Just north of the Caution light on Hwy 63

Edgar Springs, MissouriOct 23, 20020 Comments

Edgar Springs has a new city cop. He has been stopping an excessive amount of people on Hwy 63 as you come into the City Limits. There is an advisory speed limit of 50 just as you come into city limits from the north. He has been stopping people who are still doing 60 and trying to tell them that the yellow and black advisory speed sign is the actual speed limit for that area.

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