Holts Summit, Missouri Speed Traps

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North Elementary School

Holts Summit, MissouriDec 03, 20120 Comments

Going North on South Summit, the blinking yellow light that drops the school zone speed limit from 35 to 25 is hidden behind a utility pole. In addition, unlike other school zones, the light is left on all day. The locals are familiar with it. If you’re not familiar with the area, the light is easy to miss, especially if you’re not expecting a school zone during the day.

North Elementary School Zone on South Summit

Holts Summit, MissouriNov 20, 20120 Comments

If you approach North School from the South, the speed zone sign in the block before the school is 35 MPH. In the next block, at the corner of S Summit and Perrey, across from the Post Office, HIDDEN BEHIND A UTILITY POLE, is a flashing yellow school zone light. Unless you are a local or have been stopped, you won’t know it’s there. The light is left flashing all day.
The fine for doing 34 mph, when the light is flashing is $112.

By Casey’s

Holts Summit, MissouriMar 12, 20100 Comments

They sit around there in various places to watch for those that don’t slow down going South when the speed limit drops by 10 mph.

Halifax Road near Center Street

Holts Summit, MissouriOct 03, 20070 Comments

City police park on side street a short distance from the Grace Lutheran Church. I have seen them mostly at dusk, even in bad weather, but you never know when they’ll be there. Watch your speed!

Hwy 54 North and South Bound lanes through city limits

Holts Summit, MissouriApr 13, 20030 Comments

Sit on the entrance and exit ramps and run radar.

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