Rock Hill, Missouri Speed Traps

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McKnight Rd, Manchester Rd

Rock Hill, MissouriOct 03, 20100 Comments

Rock Hill Police are always shooting radar on McKnight Rd. They WILL ticket you for doing 1mph over the limit. The speed limit is 30MPH. It is very hard to do 30. When Driving on McKinght Rd. Keep your eyes peeled for Rock Hill PD.

Mcknight road between Litzinger and Manchester Road

Rock Hill, MissouriJul 20, 20100 Comments

Police sit in an empty lot on the corner of Old Warson Road or in the entrance to the old rock hill quary across from mxc9qthe new condos. Speed limit is 30 mph and that is what they enforce

Manchester Road east of Mcknight

Rock Hill, MissouriJul 20, 20100 Comments

Police sit in one of the lots by the lumber yard or Schillers Camera. Speed limit is 30 mph and that is what they enforce

Mancheseter Road

Rock Hill, MissouriNov 21, 20070 Comments

Sunday mornings there is a police officer that is notorious for giving tickets. It is a 4 lane road and the speed limit is 30 mph.

McKnight Road near Manchester Road

Rock Hill, MissouriOct 26, 20070 Comments

Rock Hill cops patrol on McKnight in between Manchester and McKnight Roads. I have known people who have gotten a ticket for going 32 in a 30.

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