Webster Groves, Missouri Speed Traps

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I-44 Within City Limits of Webster Groves

Webster Groves, MissouriNov 07, 20180 Comments

Unit runs radar from the rear in mornings and earlier in the afternoons on I-44 (both sides but more often westbound). This occurs on a regular basis. Police vehicle can be somewhat deceiving to unaware drivers. Vehicle is almost always a totally unmarked Taurus and sits on the right shoulder. Use Waze and keep it under 10 over and you should be okay.

1-44 Between Berry Road and Laclede Station Road

Webster Groves, MissouriApr 28, 20150 Comments

Webster Groves has at least 1 unmarked patrol car and often up to 3 or 4 cars patrolling both directions on a 3 mile stretch of federal highway 1-44 on a daily basis. They also have a sneaky tactic of using a motorcycle cop behind the bridge pillars on the inside shoulder. It’s clear they are issuing tickets to fund their coffers and I will enjoy the day the State Attorney General investigates them.

I-44 and elm

Webster Groves, MissouriMar 15, 20130 Comments

Cop sits in an unmarked impala

Marshall and Glen Streets Crossing near Avery Elementary on Clark Street

Webster Groves, MissouriDec 11, 20070 Comments

A cop sits on Glen Road and tries to catch anyone speeding or rolling through the stops at Marshall and Glen Road near Avery Elementary.

Big Bend Road near Rock Hill Road

Webster Groves, MissouriNov 14, 20070 Comments

Between Rock Hill and Elm on the I-44 bridge on Big Bend, a cop likes to sit there behind the old train station in the morning and get you before you even know he’s there. Make sure to slow down to 30 before passing the train station.

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