Cranford, New Jersey Speed Traps

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Pathmark/Food Emporium parking lot near South and Lincoln Av

Cranford, New JerseyApr 05, 20170 Comments

They sit on the parking lot off South Avenue, farthest from the store building, invisible to cars traveling both from Garwood to Cranford and vice versa. Speed limit is 25, but it is hard to go below 35 on that stretch of the road, even though the road zigzags there.

Exiting from southbound GSP off 136

Cranford, New JerseyFeb 05, 20130 Comments

Exit 136 off GSP southbound has a brief off ramp followed by a yeild sign. You must bear right. There is no left hand turn, but rather a heavily used jug handle also to the right. Police are often sitting at the corner after the yield but before the jug handle.

Bloomingdale Avenue School

Cranford, New JerseyJun 13, 20100 Comments

They park either across from the school or in the back of the school lot, both facing Bloomingdale Avenue.

Making a left off the Pkway exits at exit 137

Cranford, New JerseyMay 16, 20100 Comments

When you make a left at the light coming off either exit (N or S parkway exit 137) cop cars will be parked across from the lights hidden in parking lots of the industrial type buildings. I have also seen a cop car parked on the center median of Westfield Ave./North Ave. as you’re making a left off the exit. Also I’ve seen a cop car parked in the Shell gas station (as previously mentioned) I live in Roselle Park so I’ve seen the above locations of cop cars often at night. Sometimes Cranford police will even park at the top of Grove street (last street in RP so they can get you as you go into Cranford) Make sure you’re doing the speed limit as you come off exit 137 at night (35) By the time you see them they’ve already seen you!

Gas station on north Ave outside town

Cranford, New JerseyApr 14, 20100 Comments

Late at night, a car will wait against the wall in the "GAS" station across from Swan Cleaners. They will hit you either coming or going. The chase car normally sits behind the brick building on the corner of centennial ave

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