Holmdel, New Jersey Speed Traps

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Garden State Parkway near Mile Marker 113 South

Holmdel, New JerseyAug 24, 20050 Comments

In median on left side, express lanes.

Garden State Parkway @ MM 113 in median

Holmdel, New JerseySep 12, 20030 Comments

Usually a few cars just sitting and waiting in a little valley in the median. By the time you see them, you are busted.

Garden State Parkway mile marker 116.6

Holmdel, New JerseyJun 04, 20030 Comments

a stationary radar trap-Out of the 50 or so persons in
court today, half were all there for speeding at that spot. I don’t know what direction it is but I figured I’d tell everyone. The judge and prosecutor where actually laughing as they fined everyone $172 plus $30 court costs = $202. WHAT A SCAM!!!

Garden State Parkway N & S

Holmdel, New JerseyJun 03, 20030 Comments

It is a perminate trap set up right near the off ramp for the Holmdel exit. It is on the northbound side but may also be on the southbound side as well.
It is an automatic trap. No police cars are present. You will get pulled over when you pass the trap by the case car and you haven’t even seen a cop car doing radar.
A great money maker for the state.

Route 34 just as Holmdel turns into Marlboro

Holmdel, New JerseyMar 19, 20030 Comments

Late at night a Holmdel cop often sits it the parking lot of an abandoned bar, "The Red Roof Tavern" or the emtpy farm parking lot. They can usually be spotted coming from the north, so most cars pulled over are heading northbound from the Colts Neck area. The speed limit varies in that area from 40-50 mph, but the limit at the trap is 45.

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