Princeton, New Jersey Speed Traps

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Mercer Road and Marquand Park

Princeton, New JerseyOct 20, 20120 Comments

The cop hides in a driveway hidden from the road right next to the intersection of Springdale and Mercer. Speed limit is 25, most cars are doing 35.

Harrison and Nasau intersection

Princeton, New JerseyMay 09, 20120 Comments

Cop is parked at firestation near intersection.

One way road between Princeton Pike and Rt 206

Princeton, New JerseyFeb 17, 20110 Comments

This is the location of a very sneaky speed trap on the cutoff road at the crossing of Quaker road and PPike. It is a one way road(parallel to a creek) that takes you to Rt 206. A cop will sit about 100 feet in and if you turn off the 45 mph Pike road onto this 25mph road he will hit you before you can slow down. Usually 15mph over the limit which really hurts.

Lovers Lane near State Route 206

Princeton, New JerseyOct 01, 20070 Comments

Be careful when cutting from 206 to Princeton Pike. Motorcycle cop sits near the Park off of Lovers Lane and you can’t see him until it’s too late and it’s easy to go 15 – 20 miles over on that road.

Winant Road

Princeton, New JerseySep 24, 20070 Comments

Police will sometimes sit in someone’s driveway or off to the side of the road. The trap is active during the school year and a cop will be there on any random weekday usually between 7:15-8:15am. They sometimes try to pick people off around 2:30-3:00pm as well, but the trap is active mostly in the morning.

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