Loving, New Mexico Speed Traps
8th and Cedar just as you are leaving this tiny town on the
There are three quick speed changes in a matter of a couple of hundred yards. i saw cop and believed i was obeying law. told officer i felt it was a speed trap. he denied. 89$ ticket.
US Highway 285
Typical small town set-up. The officer is positioned around a curve 25 yards beyond where the speed limit drops from 55 to 45. There is no way to slow down in time without jamming on your brakes. New Mexico residents are not stopped.
State Highway 285 South
As you go south through the town of Loving a cop sits on the left hand of the street right after the Chevron.
State Highway 258 and Polar
The speed limit drops from 55 MPH to 40 within 3 city blocks. Two police units are parked at the 40 MPH sign at night.