Corning, New York Speed Traps

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‘Welcome to Corning’ sign

Corning, New YorkNov 19, 20120 Comments

Corning is literally in the middle of nowhere and they ticket the few tourists that come. When entering from the west, the speed limit suddenly drops to 30 mph. The Corning PD hide behind the ‘Welcome to Corning’ sign. Ticket all.

Denis Parkway, both ends of town.

Corning, New YorkOct 05, 20110 Comments

The seed limit signs as you approach the town from either end say 45 mph, followed about 75 yards with speed limit signs that say 30 mph just under the tree branches, o the right just after that. Drivers are unaware of the 2nd sign (having just seen the first so clearly posted). Look for the patrol car parked on the grass within good radar clocking distance of 100 or so yards after the 30 mph sign and just before you enter the town proper. Well-thought out for a speed trap!

route 86 east just outside Corning

Corning, New YorkMay 20, 20100 Comments

The state trooper likes to park on the overpass and shoot radar down at the East bound traffic.

Either Side Of New Centerway Bridge

Corning, New YorkMar 13, 20100 Comments

The city cops will sit at either end of the bridge parked on the sidewalk with there radar at the bottom of the bridge,and you cant see them until your at the top of the c rown of the bridge,by then it’s to late you can’t slow down fast enough. Also the bridge street bridge on the side street by the bank,also on the other side of the bridge by the car wash.They’ll do the same thing on pultney street and hide by the corning leader or kasprals tire on the side of the building.

Benjamin Patterson Bridge Traveling east on 352

Corning, New YorkMar 13, 20100 Comments

The city cops will sit there hid in the trees inside the city limits,the speed limit is 30 mph there,but 45 mph west of the sign.And if you don’t know there there,they got ya.Especially a out of towner comeing to visit the corning glass museum,thats your visitors present,come back and see us ya’ll next time don’t be speeding,just because you missed the reduction in speed isn’t our fault pay attention next time,ya all here.

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