New Paltz, New York Speed Traps
Henry Dubois street
The only way to bypass the massive traffic jam of Main Street is via Henry Dubois street. But Henry Dubois has several stop signs. If you do not make a full and complete stop and wait 2-3 seconds at each and every sign, you will be pulled over and given a 243 dollar ticket.
VFW on RTE 299 in new paltz
Speed limit is 55 coming down 299 into New Paltz, drops to 40 after a turn and the police sit in the VFW parking lot or the university cops down the road about 200 feet when the speed limit again drops to 30mph.
299 going to the mountains
After you cross butter ville road the speed limit is 45 and its a long strait away. After coming down the hill the police hide in the woods to the right of the road. At least once a day there is a cop there at some point.
Rout 32 comming into and leaving New Paltz At the suny campu
SUNY police sit along the road on 32 grabbing people speeding in the area of the SUNY campus. The speed limit is 35mph (ridiculous for that road). Anytime after dark do not bother driving their unless you want a ticket for some random thing. They pull over anyone.
Main ST New Paltz infront of the diamond shop
The regular police hangout is in front of the diamond shop next to murphys bar. Police have laity been ticketing people for not yielding to the cross walks and if its after 9:00pm you might as well stay away from New Paltz since they pull over anything that moves.