Nyack, New York Speed Traps
Old Mill Road near Snake Hill Road
He sits in an unmarked car,usually maroon–chevy caprice. Across from the resorvoir,tucked behind the curve.
West Nyack Road near Demarest Avenue
Officer sits in a unmarked car and parks across the street from the salvation army building
Strawtown Road near West Nyack Road
The car is parked in the Fire Department parking lot, before the library.
Germonds Road near Germonds Pool
Traveling either way on germonds road in the morning on the street right before the pool. sits there and usually gets anyone.
Interstate 287/87 near just after the bridge
there is a cruiser waiting where you can’t see it as you come off the Tappan Zee bridge into rockland county. 287 west / 87 north. slow down as you come to the end of the causeway. My buddy pointed this out to me about mid-day, and when i turn around to look, I saw a cruise waiting and i think i saw someone pulled over at the rest area.