Victor, New York Speed Traps
Rt 96 by Randall Chevy
The speed limit changes from 55mph to 35mph. Always see either a state trooper or an Ontario sheriff sitting in one of the parking lots near there at night
Rte 96 & Main St, Fishers
State troopers sit on Rte 96, under theThruway overpass, to catch speeders coming off the 490 Expressway and people leaving Eastview Mall.
High St. in Fire Dept Parking Lot
Parked in Victor-Fishers Fire Dept. lot.
exit 45
when entering the toll booths at exit 45, state police stand behind the booths, and they will get you for everything, and you cannot even see them until they just about walk out in front of you …and tell you to pull over
Three places on I-490
Between Bushnell’s Basin and Victor on I-490, all within a mile of another. The two U-turns and the rest area in between (rest area noted in another post). Then clear until just before the Linden Ave exit heading West into the City (speed limit drops to 55mph).