Charlotte, North Carolina Speed Traps

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Arrowood Rd. and Nations Ford Rd.

Charlotte, North CarolinaJul 07, 20220 Comments

Driving with traffic, I was 1 of at least 6 drivers who were pulled over for speeding. All the police vehicles were lined up on either side of the Arrowood Rd. 4 out of the 6 drivers were pulled over into the 7-Eleven on E Arrowood Rd. (corner of Nations Ford Rd.) to receive our stations. I received a ticket for going 49 in a 35 mph speed zone.

I-77 Southbound at Tyvola Road

Charlotte, North CarolinaFeb 02, 20210 Comments

The Troopers sit under the Tyvola Road overpass on the left shoulder waiting for traffic coming southbound in the left lane. Only here at night and early in the mornings on weekends. Posted limit is 55mph however traffic flows at 70-75 easy. I drive this road most Saturday mornings around 7:30am and you can cruise 70 easy just watch this junction.

Billy Graham Parkway

Charlotte, North CarolinaFeb 19, 20190 Comments

In 20+ years of driving this limited access 4 lane, I’ve never seen the number of CMPD cars/SUVs/motorcycles devoted to a daytime traffic enforcement effort. Actually in 55+ years of driving this was a 1st.

Don’t know why but there were 15+ chasers on the eastbound Tyvola on ramp (multiple motorcycles, etc) with 6 vehicles already stopped. There were 4 chase vehicles at the West Blvd intersection and an additional 7 chase vehicles at Morris Field, with 1 engaged in writing a citation at the airport connector.

I’ve attempted to contact CMPD to determine why a limited access highway posted at 55 mph with virtually no accidents (except @ intersections during rush-hour) requires this intensive traffic enforcement.

485 benfield rd prosperity church mallard creek rd

Charlotte, North CarolinaMay 31, 20170 Comments

5 troopers not using radar just pulling over fast looking cars

Carmel Road – next to Country Day School and Carmel Cleaners

Charlotte, North CarolinaFeb 14, 20170 Comments

CMPD officers set up radar in the parking lot of Carmel Cleaners, next to Country Day School. They back in under a large oak tree of the parking lot, turn off all running lights on their vehicle and hit both north and south bound traffic. This is a wide open 4 lane road with a center turning lane, posted with a 35 MPH zone. Traditional set up times are after sunset on weekday evenings. This has become a very aggressive enforcement zone for CMPD.

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