Sydney, Nova Scotia Speed Traps
There are new ford Taurus unmarked service.
The R C M P Have a new unmarked Taurus dark Gray in color.
they also have new Chargers in service also. Regional police are setting up speed traps by parking on the side or the roads and highways with there signal light on in unmarked cars.
There now a now Zero mercy for motor vehicle infractions Including speeding stop signs and seat belts. So Watch out
Sydney River across from Lady Fatima Church
RCMP are sitting in a lawn chair with casual clothing ans a ball hat.He has a police radio in one hand and a portable Lazar / radar unit in the other. I feel people are being set up so the can make money and its not for public safety as they tell you. They do not admit it is for the money. What would happen if no one speed ed they would be broke.
I followed a unmarked police car on a 100 KM highway and they were not on a call with no light on speeding who checks there speed and why don"t they have to follow the rules also? This happen twice in two days in a row different cars and drivers. Are they a above the law ? They would give you a ticket if you did it .
Sydney NS
There is a new Black Charger 2012 Traffic car going in to use.It has the new body style an a different lighting system. The wheels are the ones with the mini caps. This car is for CBRM Police and there are 2 new Durango in service also.
The CBRM Sydney and surrounding areas.
The regional have another Black Charger with allow wheels so it looks like all the other Chargers. This car is used for traffic and is some times hard to spot. The RCMP do not have the brown Crown Victoria any more but the are getting a new hopped up SUV unmarked for traffic on the 125 and 105.
The 125 has a plane and there are new marker lines by Pottles Lake. This the ring of death as the RCMP set numerous traps on the 125 and 105.
They are making a small fortune on tickets in this area .
On the 125 Bridges
The RCMP are using their own private trucks and cars as a decoy on bridges. They are using the Lazar gun and aiming it on coming cars and trucks. They have police cars lined up on the ramp to get the speeder. They had a Red Ford Ranger there this week as a decoy.The125 has a lot speed enforcement . CBRM Police also have some new Dodges out unmarked Two are Black one has the black steel wheels with the small cap the other with factory mag wheels