Wintersville, Ohio Speed Traps
Beechwood Blvd.
They wait going down the hill from Starkey to Beechwood Blvd. The speed limit was changed from 25 to 20. It is hard to keep it at 20 going down the hill. Don’t come to Wintersville unless you have to. Speed trap after, speed trap, after speed trap.
Wintersville, Ohio
There is a speed trap on Main Street going past the old BP.
State Route 43 near SUNSET BLVD Boulevard
Speed limit drops to 25 from 35 MPH at Wendy’s restaurant, go 2 miles over and you geta ticket! Radar lurking! Speed limit reverts back to 35 MPH near Kroger’s.
Motifs, Across for Center of Music, Lube Depot
They sit in these spots all the time and they will get you. They generally give you 5 mph on the limit, sometimes 10 if they are really going for the heavy speeders. (Or maybe they are just sleeping)