Altus, Oklahoma Speed Traps

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Anywhere in Jackson County!

Altus, OklahomaFeb 01, 20110 Comments

NEVER speed in this area! I knew of one lady that used to commute from Elk City to Altus, and she got pulled for doing 2 over. It’s so easy to get lead foot b/c the area is so desolate, but if it says 65, then go 65! Set your cruise if you have to!

3 miles south of Altus

Altus, OklahomaMay 08, 20100 Comments

anytime after you cross Ridgecrest, or after the OSU Ag Center.
I’m sure there are others further south, but many stops are made very often.
"Was it your intent to pass that vehicle?" No, I was just tail-gating.
Is that ticket less of a fine?

E. Broadway near Scooters

Altus, OklahomaApr 30, 20102 Comments

Having worked in law enforcement for years, this really surprised me. I was leaving the only large club, in my truck with out of state plates. I saw no less than 4 police cars across the street waiting to peel off and follow people leaving, me being one of them. Having drank sodas the whole night, I was afraid of being stopped but this reiks of a lying in wait. And I agree with another post that law enforcement in this town are rotten. Usually they are young air force kids who have gotten out and hired at the PD. They are inexperienced and looking to make a reputation for themselves, not protect the public, and pick up chicks. This department needs some serious help with their rep, starting with a new police chief.

3 miles north of Altus

Altus, OklahomaMar 21, 20101 Comments

I have been stopped twice for going 1 mile over the speed limit & have been ticked both times. Out of state tags.

Veterans Bypass near Altus AFB

Altus, OklahomaJul 22, 20080 Comments

Altus Police Officers watch the Veterans bypass like a hawk. Especially between 4:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. The posted limit is 50 m.p.h., but the open roadway lures drivers to go faster. Watch out!

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