Bixby, Oklahoma Speed Traps

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Between Mingo and Memorial on 131st S.

Bixby, OklahomaJan 24, 20190 Comments

Tends to set near Mingo, in Church parking lot, typically in the morning. Speed limit was lowered a couple years ago from 50 mph to 40 mph. It’s a political speed limit set by the police chief.

Memorial between 151st and 138th street

Bixby, OklahomaMar 08, 20150 Comments

They hide at the end of the bridge when your north bound on memorial there is no light at this location and you cant see them till its too late

S. Sheridan between 111th & 121st(heading south)!!!

Bixby, OklahomaJan 27, 20140 Comments

Coming south down Sheridan where steep hill begins they take advantage of drivers not adjusting to hill fast enough. Speed limit is 40mph

136 St. S., Between Memorial & Mingo

Bixby, OklahomaApr 19, 20130 Comments

Police hide on side streets in and out of cars with hand held radar.

131st east of Sheridan on S. 67thE. Ave.

Bixby, OklahomaApr 19, 20130 Comments

Side street early morning hiding spot.

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