Elk City, Oklahoma Speed Traps

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The whole town of Elk CIty.

Elk City, OklahomaDec 20, 20101 Comments

The CIty of Elk City bought six new police cars, I counted five on patrol in less than 10 minutes from east 66 to west seventh. One was in Pursuit an other one had a woman stopped. Two were watching the stop lights on the off ramp from I40 and Highway 34. One was south bound on highway 34. The Elk City Police department has 37 full time employees and six reserve officers.

The whole town of Elk CIty.

Elk City, OklahomaDec 20, 20100 Comments

The CIty of Elk City bought six new police cars, I counted five on patrol in less than 10 minutes from east 66 to west seventh. One was in Pursuit an other one had a woman stopped. Two were watching the stop lights on the off ramp from I40 and Highway 34. One was south bound on highway 34. The Elk City Police department has 37 full time employees and six reserve officers.

West Sixth Street

Elk City, OklahomaSep 13, 20100 Comments

All other streets in the area are 35 mph but sixth is 25 mph, the cops will get you for 27mph. They claim that it because two day care centers are on sixth but it is just an excuse to stop you. There is nearly always a fine.

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