Jenks, Oklahoma Speed Traps

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Creek Turnpike heading west from the Jenks exit until HWY 169

Jenks, OklahomaJul 27, 20180 Comments

Cops sit by the toll booths, off to the side, and clock people. They also line themselves all the way along that highway. The last place they hang out on that stretch is right after the memorial exit in the center median. This is an everyday thing. I have lived in Glenpool for 15 years and use the Creek Turnpike daily. It’s been this way since the construction was completed a few years back. I have seen 4 people pulled over at the same time.

Driving west after crossing the local Jenks bridge

Jenks, OklahomaFeb 12, 20110 Comments

The speed limit drops from 40 to 25. Traffic merges left and most make the jog over to Main. At night the police wait in the church parking lot looking at traffic coming toward them. I was the second in a long line of cars going about 35 mph. I was stopped on Main by the KFC / BarBQue and fined $110 for speeding 10 over the 25 limit. But that is the usual speed most traffic drives including the lead car in our group. It would make more sense to fine drivers going 55 or 60 on the bridge, but they wait till closer to the construction and the turn – at night.

Any Location in Jenks City Limits

Jenks, OklahomaMar 13, 20101 Comments

Hey if you speed in Jenks, just be prepared to get stopped!

Elm Street near State Highway 169

Jenks, OklahomaJan 10, 20051 Comments

Jenks PD sits in one of two locations on Elm street between Jenks and Glenpool. Just South of Hwy 196 they sit in a little gravel drive used by the some utility compay or further down in the wooded area across from the cut out hill.

Jenks Road near Interstate 75

Jenks, OklahomaJan 10, 20050 Comments

Jenks PD sits in the Sutherlands parking lot picking off unwary speeders coming off of I-75 in to Jenks via Jenks Road( 96th )

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