Shamrock, Oklahoma Speed Traps

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Approaching Town from either direction. SH16

Shamrock, OklahomaAug 12, 20100 Comments

The speed limit reduction signs are small for a state highway and easily missed. There were 6 others fined the same day I was and they all had fines for 53 in a 35. You cannot see the traffic cops from the highway approaching town until they fall in behind you lit up.

MAIN Street near MAIN Street

Shamrock, OklahomaAug 30, 20040 Comments

The town consists three buildings and a Main Street three blocks long. The police force, who do not bother leaving their parking lot issue about 150 to 200 tickets, a monthly news paper report with names of thoes ticketed is available if needed

hiway 16

Shamrock, OklahomaJan 27, 20030 Comments

police car is usually hid. They also give tickets when you really a’rent speeding.It is the towns only source of income.

Highway 16 5 miles south of 99/33 junction Drumright

Shamrock, OklahomaJan 23, 20030 Comments

Speed limits go from 65 to 55, 45, 35. They get you when you hit the 55 sign because it is in a country setting and most people assume it is 65 mph. The thing I have noticed is they have people stopped outside their city limits and the officers do not pull off the road, therefore, causing a hazard for the motorists passing by.

Hwy 16 between Drumright and Bristow

Shamrock, OklahomaDec 30, 20020 Comments

The town is in a valley. The city limits are at the crest of each hill. The speed limit changes from 65 to 30 at the crest of the hill. When a driver goes over the hill, even with brakes the officer with a radar gun will catch you before you can slow down… and the hill makes the car want to coast much faster than the speed limit.

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