Shawnee, Oklahoma Speed Traps

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Hardesty Road east of 177 Highway to Highway 9A

Shawnee, OklahomaJun 28, 20100 Comments

The highway patrol and local Indian police force constantly stop motorist on this strech of road. With 40 mph speed limit there are a lot of speeders. It is open country with only a few houses.

SH177 & MacArthur

Shawnee, OklahomaJun 03, 20100 Comments

Anywhere in this vicinity, be sure to keep the speed at 65 mph.

S. Beard St., Just North of N. Canadian River

Shawnee, OklahomaDec 23, 20090 Comments

Shawnee police sit either at the car wash or under the billboard on the east side of S. Beard St. (just north of the river). When traveling north, the speed limit drops from 45 mph to 35 mph and suddenly to 30 mph as soon as you get off the river bridge.

Bryan Road near MacArthur

Shawnee, OklahomaJun 10, 20080 Comments

Police car is usually parked in the church parking lot or old KGFF building parking lot. At the church, the police car is closer to the church than the street. At the KGFF building the police car is on the south side of the building.

MacArthur Avenue near Airport Road

Shawnee, OklahomaMar 26, 20080 Comments

Anywhere on MacArthur up to one mile west of Airport. Always changing locations during the 6am drive.

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