South Coffeyville, Oklahoma Speed Traps

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Hiwaw 169 and tate line rd.

South Coffeyville, OklahomaMay 23, 20090 Comments

This speedtrap is run almost continuously at the intersection of Hiway 169 and state line rd.The over zealous South Coffeyville police also run radar for the entire mile that Hiway 169 runs thru the city ,hiding on both sides of the hiway stopping travelers for alot of different traffic violations.They are also known to set up holiday DL checks in this area.This little town is in a depressed area and generates alot of its city revenue with its radar gun and wind up Barney.

State Highway 169 near 2 Road

South Coffeyville, OklahomaFeb 12, 20080 Comments

45 MPH zone on U.S. Highway 169 , from the Kansas state line to Road 2 . Four ( 4 ) Gold Police Cars , unmarked ,
Population : 792

US Highway 169 near State Line

South Coffeyville, OklahomaApr 07, 20070 Comments

The Officers will sit on the Oklahoma side of Highway 169 and run radar into Kansas and then pull you over when you get into thier city. If I’m not mistaken the crime has to happen in their jurisdiction in order to make a valid stop. The new guy there is nice and seems to patrol town more than the highway, good for him. Speed limits are reasonable but watch other things like passing on the right and Taglights. Lots of Luck. Concerned Citizen

US Highway 169 near 2 Road

South Coffeyville, OklahomaFeb 19, 20050 Comments

They give a lot of tickets to people. watch out they are hiding in dark with lights off. and hiding off road.

US Highway 169 near Kansas/Oklahoma State Line

South Coffeyville, OklahomaFeb 09, 20050 Comments

45 MPH zone on U.S. Highway 169 from the Kansas/Oklahoma state line to approximately 1/2 mile south. THREE patrol cars for a town population of 792 people.

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