North York, Ontario Speed Traps
Steeles Ave between Bestview Drive and Bluffwood Drive
Cop here almost everyday, speed limit likely 20 under proper speed limit, and on south side in an unmarked car.
Beecroft Road and Churchill Avenue
Cop awaiting people coming south on Beecroft from Finch Avenue. Standing on the NorthWest corner of Beecroft and Churchill Avenue
McNicoll Ave & Michael Dr. Hiding at North West corner
Police looking for people not stopping on stop sign often.
Doris and Byng or anywhere on Doris (parallel to Yonge St)
Around the first of the month cops hide on the side streets and wait for people on Doris Street (parallel to Yonge Street) between Bayview and Finch) to go over 40 kmph not exceed 45 on that friend just got a ticket today and I have been seeing people pulled over by cops in cop cars that are painted black..just a warning!
EB Steeles Ave East, 1 traffic light East of Woodbine/404
There are two Metro cops setting up a speed trap when you drive Eastbound Steeles Ave East, 1 traffic light east of Woodbine Ave/Highway 404. They were situated on the entrance that leads into the fitness centre.
Careful, because I was driving there this morning and they were hiding behind the bus shelter so it was hard to spot.