Trenton, Ontario Speed Traps
Carrying Place Road
Traveling east to Trenton from Carrying Place, speed goes from an 80 to a 50, police hide in the factory parking lot to your right.
Rivers or Lawrence Drives Middleton Park (military housing)
The Military Police like to park on Rivers or Lawrence Drives. Rivers is the first street to the left entering Mdtln Park heading east, Lawrence is on the right. There they can get speeders driving east and west on Curtis. Speed limit there is 50 km
Curtis Road Middleton Park (military housing)
Dixon changes to Curtis east of Byron St. The Military Police like to park on the side road at Hermit’s Hill- there they can get speeders driving east and west on Curtis. Speed limit there is 50 km
2nd Dug Hill Rd
Going north past Walmart, you go down a really steep hill, and they hide at the bottom of the hill.
State Highway 2 Westbound near Dairy Queen
After passing the airfield, entering business district of hwy 2. A 50km / hr zone begins. Laser is set up at DQ parking lot behind trees where offenders are waved over.