Hanover Township, Pennsylvania Speed Traps

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Jacksonville road, driveway of Hanover Elementary school

Hanover Township, PennsylvaniaFeb 18, 20110 Comments

Officers sit in the southern exit of the U shaped driveway of the school. They are usually there when the speed limit is reduced to 25 when school is starting or ending. You WILL get pulled over for going about 28mph or above when the reduced speed sign is flashing

State Route 18 near Cemetery

Hanover Township, PennsylvaniaOct 24, 20070 Comments

This trap is at the cemetery before you hit old Steubenville Pike coming from Raccon Township. They sit up in the cemetery and you do not see them. The speed limit is 40 mph around the bend at the cemetery and that is where they get you.


Hanover Township, PennsylvaniaOct 09, 20070 Comments

Township patrol cars will sit in areas North of intersection of Rt18 / Old Steubenville Pike (Florence, PA) and throughout Old Steubenville Pike starting from the PA/WV state line going east through township towards McDonald, PA. Primary patrol traps on Old Steubenville Pike are from state line to intersection at Rt18 in Florence, PA.

State Highway 194 near Witmer Road

Hanover Township, PennsylvaniaSep 22, 20070 Comments

Police sit on Witmer and watch for cars that are speeding. They do this at least one time a week and more so during the school year.

State Route 22 near Mile Marker 39939

Hanover Township, PennsylvaniaJun 18, 20070 Comments

Its mainly in the east direction from West Virginia, after the Burgettstown exit. The cops sit behind a hill in the middle of the median.

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