Upper Saint Clair, Pennsylvania Speed Traps

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Cooks School Road near Waterford Court

Upper Saint Clair, PennsylvaniaAug 12, 20070 Comments

The officer sits on Waterford court. At the bottom of a large hill watching both directions. Cannot see the unmarked car until it is too late. 25 MPH speed limit trying to get up a large hill or slowing down.. They watch this location always.

Boyce Rd. and Old Washington Rd.

Upper Saint Clair, PennsylvaniaMay 08, 20020 Comments

The unmarked patrol car was/is positioned in someones driveway, hidden behind wall support for the driveway which leads up to the house. When I drive I am constantly aware of my surroundings, that’s why after I recieved the ticket I circled and observed that area, finding out his spot up the driveway, his pattern, etc. (good for case building). I watched him nab 5 other cars in one hour, as soon as he set the trap not even 2 minutes went by before he had another. All apart of how they generate revenue in low crime communities, I guess it’s just that time of month.

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