Cote-Saint-Luc, Quebec Speed Traps
Westminster ave
Westminster ave from Sherbrooke to Cote Saint- Luc Rd. The police run radar traps along Westminster ave because the speed limit is 30kmh. You also have to watch for police sitting on the side streets watching for full stops along Westminster, since there are a lot of stop signs.
Kildare and Westminister (Corner)
Catching traffic northbound on Westminister in a 30 km/h zone with practically no signage alerting drivers of such. Often two or three police cars or motorbikes and manned by an officer using hand-held LIDAR. It has been the borough’s most frequently manned trap of 2009 hands down.
Bailey Road near Robinson Street
If you’re going to go around the top of Cavendish in an effort to avoid the traffic turning left onto Fleet, watch out. If you feel like making the illegal left turn onto Bailey between 7 and 9 am, make sure you dont’t see the cop who waits on Bailey for you to make the turn.
Marc Chagall Street near Kildare Road
There is often a car sitting at the corner in front of Bialik, waiting to catch you not making a full stop as you turn left onto Marc chagall or right onto Kildare.
Wallenberg Road near Cavendish Street
There’s this one police car who sits on Wallenberg, watching to see if you’ll make a full stop at the stop sign at the end of cavendish. Coming up to the stop sign, you can’t see him on the right. If you don’t make a full stop, just play it cool because it’s always the same officer and he’s not always paying attention (sometimes he’s reading).