Darlington, South Carolina Speed Traps

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Darlington, SC

Darlington, South CarolinaJan 17, 20170 Comments

As you approach the stop light for an intersection the speed limit is well marked at 35 MPH. poorly trained local police are parked in the opposite direction of beach traffic and shoot radar Obvious issue include accuracy of gun proper training Then local judge also serves as an attorney and abuses his authority as a traffic court judge as bullies often do make sure you know your rights before you go in front The lawyers who represent want 300 to reduce and 900 for a jury trial. The only way to go is pleaded guilty and pay and never go to Darlington SC again.

S. Warley Street

Darlington, South CarolinaMar 25, 20110 Comments

Right by the cemetery under the big Oak Tree, 15 mph zone, They’ll get you both ways!

S. Warley Street

Darlington, South CarolinaMar 24, 20110 Comments

The speed limit on S. Warley St. is 30mph and drops to 15mph at the Cemetery. They park their vehicles under a big Oak tree at the 15 mph section. Also the road has a big curve coming from the East Broad St. side, and you can’t see them until it is too late, they will get you – – with a big fine.

N Governor Williams Hwy

Darlington, South CarolinaMar 10, 20100 Comments

Black Charger sits on side of road and middle of road. It is usually between Lamar Hwy and W Smith Ave on N Governor Williams Hwy. Speed limit is 45 do not go over.

State Highway 151 near Darlington Raceway

Darlington, South CarolinaMar 07, 20061 Comments

Trap is in front of the speedway to the town of Darlington. Be especially careful around auto auction police will hide amongst parked cars and stop you.

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