5500 block walzem road – school zone in front of CVS

San Antonio, TexasFeb 20, 20123 Comments

You will find a hiden school zone sign on walzem road where there is no school. And for some reason there is no school zone a few blocks away where the judson high school sits and teenagers are constantly crossing the road. the cops hide in the parking lot by lil cesars and stop people every 5 minutes. windcrest is very strict and sneeky. be carefull.

Why on earth is there a school zone sign where there is no school? Is that even legal? Happy Leap Year, everyone, btw.
#1Feb 29, 2012Report Abuse
Judson High School is not in Windcrest. If you are talking about the CVS across from two churches then yes it is a school zone. The Methodist church has a school in it.
#2Jul 14, 2012Report Abuse
The signs on Walzem in the 5500 area are simply warnings, because if you turn left on Midcrown you will be entering the school zone (and Windcrest) . If you pay attention you will see the differences between a sign warning you of a school zone ahead, and an actual school zone (where you see the variable speed limits with times posted). Thats why the signage by the bus stop has an arrow on it. You can see the same example of the difference between a warning "ahead" type sign, and a "school speed zone" sign by comparing the sign by Benny's (Rackspace) and the sign located by the bus stop on Midcrown.
#3Dec 01, 2014Report Abuse

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