Bailey Bowell Blvd

Saginaw, TexasJun 09, 20121 Comments

The city of Saginaw has several rail roads tracks between hwy-287 Bus and Blue Mound road. Frequently there will be extremely lengthy trains go through and traffic will be stopped over 20-30 minutes. If the Saginaw Police catch you making a U-turn (regardless how safe you are being) they will make a U-turn with you and write you a ticket. This also applies to McElroy and Longhorn Ave.

For the person getting a ticket for a U-turn let it be know that u-turns are legal in the State of Texas anyhwere other than where there is a soild white of yellow line or if there is a sign stating "no u-turns"! Set a court date!
#1Aug 12, 2012Report Abuse

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