Blossom Hill Road – Before Leigh travelling Westbound
I live on Blossom Hill Road and see this all the time. This information is up-to-date as of 9/29/2010. Note – this is mostly for morning commute traffic – but I have also seen them throughout the day as well.
As you are travelling Westbound on BHR there are motorcycle police hiding behind a tree on the corner of Blossom Hill Road and Del Oro Drive. The police are using LIDAR, and they they are targeting drivers leaving the traffic signal at Harwood, a few blocks East of their location.
When you come up to Del Oro Drive, a police officer walks out into BHR, flags you over and one of many police officers waiting there will write you a ticket.
The speed limit on BHR is 35 MPH, but most people are easily travelling 40+ BHR is a major thoroughfare – so many people are travelling on it every work day morning.
They are there catching people all morning long. The solution – drive 35 the whole way.
I’m upset because the police are targetting people on their way to work – there are zero police officers on BHR on Friday and Saturday night when kids are racing down BHR at 70+ MPH in their riced out Honda’s.
The map coordinates are here:
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