both north and southbound on Hwy 79 coming into town

Oakwood, TexasJan 04, 20121 Comments

The Oakwood police, all two of them, sit in a Tahoe vehicle (white) under a shade tree in a private yard, shooting radar at south bound traffic. The traffic coming in from the south is greeted by radar by one of Oakwoods “finest” as he sits at the Barrileaux contstruction parking lot. Make sure you slow and warn your fellow drivers. The Oakwood police must pay their salary with your moving violation. Be safe. Be alert. As these two snakes move, I’ll keep all updated. If the speed trap was for safety and not revenue, you would not see the Barney Fife boys watching your speed.

Just got stopped by a local yokel in Oakwood, Tx. Speed limit went from 70 to 55 at edge of town. I slowed to around 50. When I got to the other side of town I was stopped for apparently going 52 in a 40. I never saw a 40 mph sign anywhere. To the officer's credit he did let me off with a warning since I was driving a comercial vehicle.
#1Aug 13, 2012Report Abuse

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