Coolidge Highway (Schaefer) Overpass before Jefferson

River Rouge, MichiganMar 25, 20131 Comments

As you pass Fort and before High School and overpass it goes from 35 to 25 mph for 2 blocks. The River Rouge police in SUV wait on opposite side past light. This is just the start as Judge Judy has nothing on the pros down river at 25th District Court. They have taken the art of first giving tickets in this two block 25 mph speed trap, then on court day -you are told go to court and no points-getting pulled out in groups of 3 to plea bargain with ‘City Prosecutor’ to plead guilty to a no point Impeding Traffic, then your 2 minutes before the ‘Judge’and pay as you leave, credits cards an extra $7…

Yeah just curious has anyone else been pulled over for no seatbelt there but did in fact have their seatbelt on I was pulled over there and gave a warning for no seatbelt but got a Nother ticket for a minor infraction not having proof of insurance but I did have insurance just didn't give me enough time to dig it out. When I got home a friend across the street said he was pulled over for no seatbelt and had his on to. Later that day I seen a Facebook post the same thing happened to yet another person and they said they had their seatbelt on as well. Seemed really fishy to me
#1Dec 07, 2014Report Abuse

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