Dunbarton Drive connecting Military Hwy/Providence

Chesapeake, VirginiaOct 28, 20160 Comments

Both Military Highway and Providence are major roads that have speed limits of 45. Then there’s dinky little Dunbarton connecting the two, barely a quarter-mile long, and the speed limit there is 25. Cops used to sit directly outside this one house in unmarked cars, just waiting for someone to go over by so much as 6 mph, the legal minimum to be considered a ticket-able offense. They cut the bushes so the cops can’t hide anymore. The real MVPs. They now hide in the car dealership parking lots towards the intersection of Military and Greenbrier Pkwy/Dunbarton (same road, changes name). If you are slightly lead-footed coming off a highway, or gunning it to make the infinitesimally short light, they WILL catch you. Mind you, you do need to slow down – there’s a curvy bit towards Providence that you cannot take at higher speeds without giving yourself whiplash, but when you see just the ruler-straight, wide lanes by Military, you don’t think about that, and don’t even realize you were doing 40 until after your ticket’s been written.

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