Empire Avenue near Truman Lane

Oakley, CaliforniaFeb 05, 20081 Comments

Patrol unit sits on Truman, clocking vehicles as they head due east. Street tends to increase in grade so vehicles like to "ramp" up their speed. Limit is 35mph. Many cars are doing 45. Empire starts with two lanes. Just before the trap the lanes merge to one. Vehicles in the right lane like to pass before the lane is gone. Hence, they speed up to do so…then

it's important to note that Empire has sections. the first is the one noted here, the limit is 35, and I have been ticketed here for going 45, but not at the end where it merges to one lane! actually the end by the grocery store. now I am the only one going 35 as everyone flies past me. the other section, after Laurel, is 45! and therein lies your speed trap, changing limits on the same road~
#1Aug 20, 2010Report Abuse

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