Entry into the City at 3235
Okay, so obviously a small town with no money, so the police department is employed for extortion from out of towners.
I reduced speed to 55 in a 65 to 50 speed reduction, and about 20 yards ahead of the 50 sign, this extortionist flicked on the lights and pulled me over. He told me I was speeding and “swerving” (I dont know what that means) and wrote me a ticket (with 61 mph for good measure). I am a careful man, in my 40 years, I never got a ticket. And this job in this place cost me 350+17.5 service fee (“service” fee!).
They were able to successfully extort money from me and I don’t know what they did with it, probably threw into their dark basement full of dirty money.
Whenever you enter this place, always put to 49 and drive. After a while, it goes down to 45 from 50, then drive at 42.
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