Evans Rd near Green Mountain

San Antonio, TexasMay 11, 20121 Comments

The sherrif and constable are near Green Mountain Rd. especially near the end of the month in order to meet their quotas. This is and artificially low speed zone of 40 where similar hill country type roads are at least 55 if not higher. The law knows this and sits at the bottom of the hill approaching east bound to green mountain to catch unsuspecting drivers. Contact your county commissioner to get the speed limit raised to a more reasonable rate.

The speed trap on evans is much worse, they have posted orange speed limit signs reducing the limit to 20MPH in a construction zone, down hill and gave me a ticket for doing 45 (the posted limit on the road) in a 20...are there any attorneys out there? Doesn't the sign have to be white with black letters for it to be law? Like an exit sign leaving the highway...it's yellow and posts Exit 45 but you dont get a ticket because its a suggested speed.
#1Oct 05, 2012Report Abuse

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