France Av.

Bloomington, MinnesotaJun 16, 20031 Comments

I was on France Av. going north. I had just passed 98th Street. I looked in my mirror and I saw a Bloomington Police car with its lights on. I didnt want to block traffic so I turned left on to a side road. The cop got out of his car and slammed his door he came up to my window and said in a mean and nasty voice "Can I ask you why you pulled of to the left on a side road!" I said I didnt want to block traffic. The cop said "What does the driving manual tell you to do!" He said I was spining my tires coming out of a parking lot and that I was going 45 in a 40 mph zone. I got a ticket for Unreasonable Acceleration and speeding. I think Bloomington Police need to be more FAIR with the citizens.

I just don't get the attitude thing, for what?? There is a complaint process for all police departments and I wish that people would use this process more often. There is usually a board set up that reviews complaints which are then filed. Whether or not there is disciplinary action taken is unknown, but you should get a response to your complaint. Of course by law, I don't think they can disclose the disciplinary we may never know what they do about it.
#1May 06, 2010Report Abuse

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