Going on 106 West toward Interstate 65

Georgiana, AlabamaDec 21, 20101 Comments

I was driving through Alabama ( Butler County) on 106 West and going through Georgiana on a two lane expressway and I was pulled over by a cop who was flying behind me (it scared me) in an unmarked black vehicle. He almost hit me and asked me what the speed limit was? I said "55" He said well, yes, it is 55 going up the hill but 45 mph at the bottom of the hill. I did not see this 45 mph sign but beware. It is hard to go 45 mph going downhill on an expressway…..

Agree. I had been driving 100 miles in Alabama on 2 lane roads,... obeying speed limits as they changed down/up as I passed through towns. Then, 2 miles from the interstate, there is a poorly marked speed zone and I get pulled over. Unbelievable. I don't mind getting a ticket if I was knowingly speeding - fair is fair. In this case, I had been diligently looking for speed zones all day and literally did not see any speed limit signs in this area. According to the policeman, there should have been 2 signs: 45mph and then 35mph. If this town was serious about controlling speed for safety reasons (rather than generating revenue through tickets), they should make their speed limit signage more clear. Giving out tickets to tourists will do nothing to control speed. If I were the policeman in this town, I would be embarrassed to be giving tickets for this obvious speed trap.
#1Dec 20, 2011Report Abuse

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