Hayes Avenue

Eastpointe, MichiganJun 09, 20093 Comments

Be sure watch your speed all along Hayes Ave. The speed limit is VERY strictly enforced!

Hayes between 696 and 9 mile road, the speed limit is only 25, people tail gait you to make you go faster, don't fall for it, cops hide between parked cars and at intersections. This is a very hot speed trap. I sent a blessing to the slow car in front of me when I saw the hidden cop on the side street. I ignore future drivers that ride my bumper.
#1May 11, 2010Report Abuse
I know 2 people that got tickets there. It's especially hard to remember when going south just after exiting I-696.
#2Jul 23, 2011Report Abuse
How did I leap ahad 6 millenium???????????? Speeding? :)
#3Jul 23, 2011Report Abuse

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