Hwy 3235 near Post Office
Like many of the other stories I’ve read here, I was traveling to Grand Isle and had to pass through Golden Meadow. It is true that this four lane, divided highway is 65 mph, then drops to 55 mph, and for a short time (maybe 1.5 miles) drops to 50 mph. It is easy to overlook since this town is so small. I was stopped going 57 in a 50 and ticketed for it. Fine…you got me going over the limit. Bravo. What is the real injustice is the added fine for being in the left lane while not passing anyone. I understand there are reasons for laws. Safety and order. That law is in place to ensure the steady flow of traffic for faster moving vehicles. When I was caught in the left lane there was literally no one near me or even approaching me, except this officer on the opposite side of the road. Writing this ticket was not keeping anyone safe, it was not to guarantee traffic could move freely. This was nothing more than a money-making ticket and this officer, department, and municipality that supports these actions should be ashamed of themselves. I was an officer for 9 years and I would’ve been embarrassed to write such a ticket. This isn’t policing. Work in an area where you actually have to police and you’ll see this type of petty, greedy scheme is not worth your time. I work hard for my paycheck and you just stole 1/3 of it. I take every opportunity I get to defend the police in this country. I know from personal experience how difficult a job it is. This type of behavior is a sad reminder of why people have such a low opinion of the police. You make the many honorable officers look bad. Shame on you.
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