Hwy. 76 (The Strip) Between U.S. Hwy. 65 And Shepherd Of The Hills

Branson, MissouriFeb 19, 20103 Comments

The entire Branson strip is constantly patrolled by Branson PD and they appear to write hundreds of tickets per day along this five mile alignment. I and others observe them pulling people over, during mostly daylight hours, and writing tickets in the parking lots of Branson’s show theaters and hotels. Monday, I spotted a kid in a Jeep and it looks like it took two patrol cars to pull him over. They are looking for anyone going even one mile over the speed limit, expired tags, lights, etc. No one gets off with just a warning. Branson recently spent a lot of money on sidewalk improvements, a convention center, etc. This is clearly their way of paying for it. They seem to go after locals only as ticketing tourists might impact the town’s bottom line. I am told drivers that get pulled over are asked what business they have in Branson. Most tourists are allowed to go with a warning. All locals get a ticket. Beware.

I'm not sure how I can see that there would be a speed trap on the strip since traffic goes so slowly!! I have rarely ever seen anyone pulled over on the strip. Traffic creeps along during most of the year and the only thing I can imagine someone being pulled over for would be a traffic violation (which happens frequently) but not speeding. Most of the time you are unable to drive the speed limit on HWY 76.
#1Mar 26, 2010Report Abuse
The person posting this originally has no idea what they are talking about. The traffic creeps along. Few, if any, tickets are issued on Hwy 76. The Branson cops almost always give warnings and not tickets and they don't pull you over unless you are going over 10 mph over the speed limit. The city did not spend a lot of money on the sidewalks - MoDOT and the state paid for all of that. The convention center is paid for with tax revenue - money from the tickets cannot be used to pay for the convention center. The tickets I see issued are always to tourists - not locals. Don't belive things that are posted on this web site.
#2Jan 11, 2011Report Abuse
Not so, about always issuing a ticket or written warning. We did not have the current tags on the license, Got stopped by Area 57. had totally forgotten we had them, but failed to put them on. Let go and just asked to get them on ASAP. bbd716
#3Dec 03, 2015Report Abuse

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