Interstate 40/64 near Interstate 270

Town And Country, MissouriJul 12, 20072 Comments

MADD pays the city to have a police officer out Wed. through Sun. on highway 40. They’re usually between 270 and 141 in either direction. He doesn’t respond to calls, his only job is to catch speeders/drunk drivers. If you get pulled over there at night you will most likely be tested for drinking. You will definitely get a ticket bare minimum. They don’t let anyone off with a warning.

Between Mason and just past 270 is a "travel safe zone" They will double all fines for any amount over speed limit and make you go to court if over 80 mph. There is a sign on right side that is too small to read warning of this, but obviously not working since they have another sign showing they have issued almost 1000 tickets since zone was enacted.
#1Mar 18, 2010Report Abuse
MADD does not pay Town & Country money. I-64 is a heavily used Highway with a reduced speed limit-60 MPH. Town & Country is a wealthy town. They do have a high DWI arrest rate-but there are a lot of drunks on I-64, Highway 141, and I-270. Don't go over 60 MPH and don't drive drunk-you'll be OK. I don't consider this area a speed trap.
#2Apr 17, 2010Report Abuse

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