Interstate 5 Southbound near Hawks Prairie

Olympia, WashingtonMar 19, 20061 Comments

Mx threat levels. 1.LIDAR from Motorcycles N/Southbound I – 5. 2. KA/LIDAR from cruisers/unmarked units (dozens of types!) 3. Aerial at 2,500 feet altitude, mostly targets southbound traffic while in the Nisqually Delta flats; uses stopwatch to time with hwy marking hashmarks, radios to waiting "receptionists" who write the ticket after stopping victims in the Hawk’s Prairie flats area.

In Washington State on I-5 at MM 110 in the center there is a large empty space were the State Patrol conducts "business" for both N & S bound traffic. The thing is When you come up on it, it may look as though They're clocking the traffic going the other way, but they're not. They're Clocking You!! Also from exit 109-114 keep an eye out for the trees and shurbs, and Tire Tracks in the center as well.
#1Dec 15, 2009Report Abuse

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