Interstate 77 near Mile Marker 28.5 near I-77 & I-81 interchange

Wytheville, VirginiaSep 10, 20071 Comments

Mile marker 28.5 is big trap at the bottom of a hill. Sheriff’s Dept. and troopers sit and write tickets all day. I personally was written a ticket for 83 in a 65, but the six (yes, 6) cars in front of me were not pulled and I was in the right lane, not passing. I asked the officer how fast the other cars were running and he said no one was over 74 but me. Not sure how that happened, since I was not passing and did not run over the top of anyone in front of me. Judge XX is known in the county to dislike speeders. Only a 2 mph reduction in court from him, though he did Waive My Jail Sentence of 10 days that came with my ticket. It was listed as Reckless Driving. Had to appeal to Circuit Court and return to VA to fight ticket 3 times to keep from losing my DL in NC. Slow down whenever you’re in Wythe County!
(Wytheville – Wythe County)


This area is nothing but a speed trap. When I was stopped and the officer approached my car, I asked him about the car directly in front of me who had just come flying around me but the cop said I was going faster than him. What a joke - how could I be going faster - he was in front of me!!!! The ticket I got said I was "able to pay the ticket online or by phone without appearing in Court" and when I called, I was told that I could come back and pay a fee, then take a driver's class in my state and get the ticket dismissed altogether. They have a real money maker here for the town of Wytheville - be careful! Tickets are exhorbitant in Wytheville and you have no way to dispute it - it is definitely the cop's word against yours.
#1Nov 09, 2010Report Abuse

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