Wytheville, Virginia Speed Traps
Interstates 77 and 81
Multiple, ridiculous amount of hidden law enforcement on both 77 and 81 in both directions.
I-77 and I-81 (Wythe Co., VA)
One of the most notorious speedtraps in the nation is all of I-81 and I-77 once you hit Wythe Co., VA. The entire Wythe Co. Sheriffs department patrols this area and just sit on it…and it appears that this is all they do. Same story as repeated over and over here…I was driving a newer car with out-of state tags coming down the hill on I-81 with two cars ahead going faster, got pulled over by Officer Jelly Belly (Lord, this officer was so out of shape…I doubt he could do any other police assignment) was told I was doing an 81 in 70, but he would be a sweetheart and drop it from wreckless. I saw 10 cars pulled over while just travelling through Wythe County…ALL by local Wythe Co. Sheriffs Dept. (Not VA State Troopers). This is total abuse of local police powers solely to create revenue for Wythe Co. (a $50 processing fee on top of speeding ticket is simply ludicrous). Literally, the Wythe Co. Courthouse must be paved in gold. It is a shame for the citizens of Wythe Co. that their home is just known as Speedtrap, USA. I wish that one could just avoid Wythe Co. altogether, but cannot if using I-81 and I-77. All I can say is spread the word and tell your friends never spend a dime in Wythe Co. (gas, food, tourism)….maybe put some economic pressure on this speedtrap capital and maybe they will wake up. If every counties’ sheriff’s office in this country abused their local police powers like Wythe Co., VA…people would simply have to stop driving!!!
Wytheville VA 81S and Peppersferry
State Police sitting at the bottom of a hill, no traffic. 80 in a 70 mile per hour.
Locals said State Troopers are paid to ticket for Wythe Co. while off duty. This is a known speed trap.
I-77 from NC border to Wytheville, VA
First, I did not get a ticket, but have driven I-77 through VA 6 times over the past 2-1/2 months and on every trip the Virginia State Police and local Sheriffs have been doing a brisk bussiness. Today I saw six cars in the first 30 miles of I-77 and another one on the northern side of Wytheville. I have never seen less than four cars during these trips.
It is one thing to enforce the laws, but when you sit your cars at the bottom of hills, it is clear you are trying to maximize your revenue. The classic case is having 4-5 trucks going uphill at 50-60 mph and as you try to pass them one truck crests the hill and then runs 75 going downhill and you are stuck in the left lane trying to get past the group and then the police setup at the bottom of the hill. Also why is I-77 65 mph until you get to Wytheville then it goes to 70 unless it is to promote tickets?
Virginia should be ashamed of itself trying to milk tourist in this way and Virginia is famous for this in other areas beside I-77. Speed traps are a cottage industry for local municipalities in Virginia.
I77 North and South of I81
South was a deputy parked off the side of the road on the crest of a hill.
North State Troopers lined up at least 4 deep picking off drivers right and left.