Jardine Drive near Mid-Campus

Manhattan, KansasJun 16, 20050 Comments

The Manhattan/K-State/Riley County PD reached all-time low today. A car rolled thru a stop sign at the intersection of Jardine and Mid-Campus. Immediately after that, a cop car flips on the light, flips on the SIREN and rips out onto Mid-Campus doing well over 40 mph in a 20.

When he passes me at the S-Curve in Mid-Campus in front of Call Hall, his car is swerving all over. He rips right thru a four-way stop at the corner of Mid-Campus and Claflin, startling three unsuspecting cars and a few pedestrians.

Whatever danger the "violating" driver posed by rolling thru a stop sign on empty north campus, the cop I’m sure more than tripled that danger by driving like a madman through campus to chase the violater down. Until now, I had given the PD some benefit of the doubt. It’s a college town, lots of crazy drivers. But this sealed the deal for me. It’s not about safety; it’s about money. Plain and simple.

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